Masakatsu KIYOSU
Founder of Technology Co. I started company that computer network system of information and communication technology from the technical side on works.
Assistant Professor, The University of Electro-Communications, 2017-08-01/2022-03-31
Visiting Research Fellow, Artificial Intelligence eXploration Research Center, 2016-07-01/2022-03-31
Research Fellow, The University of Electro-Communications, 2015-06-01/2017-07-31
Founder, Technology Co., 1998-10-01/present
Special: Computer Science
Research: Survey Methodology, Data Science, Computation Theory, Learning Theory, Science Studies, Technology Studies
Data Theory, 2020-04/present
- “Computer Science”, Science Communication Series, 2021
Data Science, 2010-04/2020-03
- “DEFP”, Doctoral program for Data-Related Innovation Expert, MEXT, Research and Development, 2017
- “DEP”, Donated Course to University, SEI Group CSR Foundation, Research and Development, 2015
- “Graph of G.I.T.S.”, GHOST IN THE SHELL REALIZE PROJECT, Research and Development, 2015
- “G.I.T.S. CTF”, GHOST IN THE SHELL REALIZE PROJECT, Planning and Produce, 2015
- “UEC LabSearch”, The University of Electro-Communications, Research and Development, 2014
- “Morning Meal”, MAFF, Website Technical Advise, 2010
Data Broadcasting, 2000-04/2010-03
- “Area 1seg Demonstration”, Areaportal Corporation, Design and Development, 2008
- “Server Type Broadcasting”, NHK STRL, Design and Development, 2007
- “Public Application Project for Digital Broadcasting”, MIC, Research and Development, 2006
- “Foliage”, Mediacast Co. Ltd., Development Advise, 2004
- “BML-B2000”, Sony Network Contents Corporation, Development Advise, 2002
- “AD-JIGSAW BML Template”, Dentsu Inc., Design and Development, 2001
- “Network System for Digital Contents”, Dentsu Tec Inc., Design and Development, 2000
- “Major League Baseball”, NHK, Data Broadcasting Production, 2000
Data Communication, 1996-04/2000-03
- “GMN-CL”, NTT, Software Programming Development, 1999
- “THE GLOBAL IT SEMINAR”, Programming Text Writing, 1999
- “Integrated System for Exchange and Deposit”, MPT, Mainframe Computer Operation, 1996
- “440U”, Usen Corporation, Sales and Engineering Support, 1996
- “Human Resources Development Model of Data Science”, Masakatsu KIYOSU, Motonori TAMURA, 2017-07-22
Oral Presentation, SIG-ALST-B507-07 pp.38-43, The 80th SIG-ALST of JSAI, Osaka Prefecture University, 2017-07-22
The University of Electro-Communications Bulletin Paper Accepted, Vol.30 No.1 pp94-99, 2018-02-01 - “Components Analysis of Science Fiction Product”, Masakatsu KIYOSU, 2017-06-03
Poster Presentation, Open Laboratory 2017, Artificial Intelligence eXploration Research Center, The University of Electro-Communications, 2017-06-03 - “Process and Assessment Model of Data Science”, Masakatsu KIYOSU, Masayuki NUMAO, 2015-03-18
Oral Presentation, IPSJ-Z77-3ZE-01 pp.857-858, The 77th National Convention of IPSJ, Kyoto University, 2015-03-18
- “Evolution of Internet of Bodies”, Journal of Internet of Medical Things, Vol.2 No.1, ISSN 2433-9571 pp.6-9, Medical Review Co., Ltd., 2019-07-10
- “Technology known as Data”
Official Lecture, The University of Electro-Communications, 2021-04-01/2022-03-31 - “Sony Neural Network Console”
Data Science Extra Lecture, 2019-11-02 - “Data Science Theory”
Data Science Extra Lecture, 2020-10-01/2020-11-30
Optical Science Young Research Group in Kanto, 2019-11-09
Data Science Extra Lecture, 2018-09-03/2018-09-28
Data Entrepreneur Practical Theory, 2017-10-07
Data Entrepreneur Practical Theory, 2016-10-05
- “Advance of Interpranetary Internet”, The 7th Data Entrepreneur Conference, 2022-01-17
- “Technology known as Data”, Discovery Talk, National Museum of Nature and Science, 2012-08-09
- “Human Data Principles”, The 6th Data Entrepreneur Conference, 2021-02-05
- “Engineering of Data Computing”, The 5th Data Entrepreneur Conference, 2019-06-19
- “Evolution of Internet of Bodies”, The 3rd Internet of Medical Things Summit, 2018-12-08
- “Internet Connectivity Principles”, The 4th Data Entrepreneur Conference, 2018-07-13
- “Human Resources Development of Data Science”, NetLearning Inc. 20th Anniversary Education and Learning Fair, 2018-02-22
- “Human Resources Development of Data Science”, The 1st Juntendo Medical Investment Conference, 2018-01-20
- “Human Resources of Data Science for Business”, DataScientist Society 4th Symposium, 2017-10-23
- “Cyber Security Literacy Principles”, The 3rd Data Entrepreneur Conference, , 2017-09-09
- “Data Science and Artificial Intelligence”, The 2nd Data Entrepreneur Conference, 2016-09-24
- “Introduction of GHOST IN THE SHELL REALIZE PROJECT”, Venture Business Seminar, 2015-07-23
- “Python 3 Certified Data Analyst Examination in HRD at UEC”, ASCII.jp, KADOKAWA ASCII Research Laboratories, Inc., 2022-03-15
- “Python” Special Issue, Nikkei Computer, pp.24-37, Nikkei Business Publications, Inc., 2019-06-27
- “Data Science and Internet of Things”, TECH PLAY, Persol Career Co., Ltd., 2018-11-05
- “Discussion report toward data analysis examination of Python”, Software Design, pp.86-95, Gijutsu-Hyohron Co., Ltd., 2018-01-18
- “G.I.T.S. REALIZE PROJECT x SECCON CTF for GIRLS”, Rikejo, p.8, KODANSHA Ltd., 2016-01
- Science Communicators Association of National Museum of Nature and Science, 2021-09-07/present
- W3C HTML5 Japanese Community Group, Participants, 2018-02-08/present
- The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2016-04-01/present
- Internet Society Japan Chapter, 2015-12-14/present
- Information Processing Society of Japan, 2014-03-28/present
Computer Science SIG on Quantum Software, 2021-04-01/present - The Japan Data Scientist Society, 2013-10-15/2021-12-09
- IPv6 Promotion Council, 2013-03-21/2021-11-15
- Doctoral program for Data-Related Innovation Expert, National Network, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 2019-10-01/2022-03-31
The Project to realize the world of GHOST IN THE SHELL through All Japan collaboration.
- GHOST IN THE SHELL REALIZE PROJECT, Technical Adviser, 2015-04-01/2020-03-31
- Class 1 Medium Vehicle Driver, 1995-05-08
- Class 1 Ordinary Motorcycle Driver, 1993-10-01
- Class 1 Moped Driver, 1992-09-19
- Hunting Works Course, 2017-07-15
- Amusement Machine Manager Course, 2022-07-27
- Anticrime Manager Course, 2008-05-21
- First-Class Technical Radio Operator for On-The-Ground Services, 2024-08-30
- Chief Line Engineer, 2024-03-07
- Chief Transmission and Switching Engineer, 2023-09-29
- General Telecommunication Installation Technician, 2023-06-26
- Cable Television Management Engineer, 2012-04-01/2017-03-31
- First-Class Cable Television Engineer, 2010-03-31/2015-03-31
- Fireproofing Manager Course, 2008-05-02
- Advanced Lifesaving Course, 2007-11-04
- Third-Class Web Design Skilled Professional, 2008-04-21
- High and Extra High Voltage Electric Handler, 2022-09-19
- Law Voltage Electric Handler, 2022-09-12
- Aerial Work Platform Vehicle Driver, 2022-08-31
- Safety and Health Manager Course, 2008-06-02
- Employment Manager Course, 2009-11-06
- Dispatch Manager Course, 2009-06-23
- Fishing Boat’s Manager, 2008-02-14
- First-Class Electrician Passed, 2024-1-10
- Certified Electrician, 2023-03-07
- Second-Class Electrician, 2022-10-11
- Information Security Management, 2016-05-16
- Personal Watercraft Operator, 2008-09-05
- Passenger Boat’s Operator, 2007-12-26
- First-Class Boat’s Operator, 2007-11-09
- Warehouse Manager Course, 2009-06-15
- Patrol Boat’s Manager, 2008-06-02
* These licenses and courses required by law.
- Certificate of Appreciation, Admissions Research Center of The University of Electro-Communications, 2022-03-16
- Special Award, The 1st Cool Japan Matching Award, Cabinet Office, 2017-02-16
- Megurokai Award, Alumni association of The University of Electro-Communications, 2015-03-25
- Student Encouragement Award, Information Processing Society of Japan, 2015-03-18
- Excellent Student Award, The University of Electro-Communications, 2014-03-24
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